Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

Career Insights: Nailing that presentation

Would you be surprised to learn that the most nerve wracking thing for me when it comes to public speaking is not the actual speaking part? It’s in the preparation and making sure what I get up there and say is something the audience wants and needs to hear. The truth is even the best, most inspirational speakers put in a huge amount of work before you see them on stage. Here are some of my biggest lessons.

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

Team Conflict Resolution: They are not gonna like it. What next?

I am a person who doesn’t like being blindsided, but who dreads disappointing someone and would rather things just magically sort themselves out when I’m in the hot seat to give feedback. It’s a pretty wacky balancing act. What do you do when there is something you know might mildly disappoint or majorly devastate someone? Here’s my tips on delivering difficult news.

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

Worklife: Getting ready for summer

I don’t love scorching hot weather, but I sure do love the pace of summer and the sunshine. I also love the feeling that I can relax and enjoy some laughs. And of course, before I’m ready, the time has whizzed by and the kids are gearing up for back to school madness.

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

It’s time to focus on corporate learning instead of corporate training. (part 1 of many parts)

My work focuses on helping employees learn and thrive at work so we can deliver exceptional impact to our clients and colleagues every day. But I have rarely participated in training that has moved the needle for me. How can we create a culture of continuous learning and have employees feel and recognize their firms’ investment in their professional development?

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

Team Development: Storms make trees take deeper roots

Why Storms make trees take deeper roots? I could have started with a recognizable (only to me) reference to Tuckman’s stages for team development— forming, storming, norming, performing. The idea is that to truly reach an exceptional level of performance, a team will inevitably run head first into a struggle, and how they work together during this challenge will tell whether they grow stronger and better and ultimately deliver something fabulous, or topple from the pressure. Who knew Dolly Parton has such a treasure trove of quotes about adversity? (I did, because Dolly!)

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

Let’s celebrate men who support women’s advancement

My career and life are pretty awesome and that’s thanks to the support and generosity of women and men personally and professionally. But I feel it’s important to acknowledge and highlight the wonderful allies and all around good dudes out there with tips on how you can be a great partner. We couldn’t do what we do without everyone engaging and caring about us.

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

Gratitude Matters: Five simple ways to show appreciation

‘Tis the season for posts about gratitude. Thanksgiving is a great holiday to celebrate with family and friends. Gratitude can be an introspective exercise. I am grateful for a lot, and I try to reflect everyday on this. But showing gratitude, or appreciation, is connecting your self-reflection to action.

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

Your Career: Getting more from your year-end review

It’s the end of the year-- year end review time--time to reflect and dream about making some big and small swings for next year and beyond. To get there, I try not to just think about the future, but take stock of my bumps, lessons and small pleasures of the year.

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

Everyone Needs a Brooklyn Block Party

I live on a wonderful, tree-lined street in Brooklyn. And I feel so lucky to be here because of the wonderful people. Every year, neighbors on our street pull together for a block party. And by pull together, a small group of neighbors volunteer their time to organize and coordinate a wonderful day each of us looks forward to. I grew up in the suburbs with no block parties. It’s special, and you can bring some of this neighborhood magic to your own neck of the woods. 

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

Career Coach: When you don’t get the recognition you deserve

At my company, on the same day each year, promotions and compensation are communicated to each employee. This is a wonderful, exciting day when we can celebrate and acknowledge outstanding team members who delivered truly exceptional results. As one can imagine, not every year is a banner year for a company, team or individual so there are highs and lows on this day. This week’s post is for those times when you gave it your all, swung and performed at peak level over and over again, but didn’t get the fancy title, or that salary bump that you feel recognizes your achievements.

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

My career pivot back to technology

Embracing continuous learning, the focus on human connection, the partnership between business and technology, I have had so much fun coming into work each day.

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

Remembering Leila Janah

I write this with heavy heart, the inspiring, generous, brilliant human Leila Janah passed away at aged 37 on January 24, 2020 after a tough battle with a rare form of cancer. I was a fan of hers, and followed her with a sense of sisterhood and affection.

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

Inspiration: 5 Podcasts that rocked my world

Winter 2019 edition. It’s safe to say I have been a fan for quite a while of audio content. I was a big NPR listener as a kid, and just love podcasts. These 5 podcasts have stopped me in my tracks and filled me with inspiration, wonder, gut-wrenching awe, and more.

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

Grit: Born with it or learned?

I have often heard people speak about resilience as if it's something you either have or you don't. This myth of "born with it" is one of my pet peeves. The science is clear. Resilience is a muscle. And if we use it, nurture it, and celebrate it, it will strengthen. Here's how I've seen it in action.

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

Career: The Bridge

The Bridge is a mixed bag. One minute you’re feeling happy and safe, the next you’re frustrated or unsettled.

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

Career Coach: The glory and agony of being new to something

This week’s post is about having empathy and sending positive energy to those (including yourself) who are new to your organization, project or team. How can we help someone contribute and get over the discomfort as they start the steep climb of their learning curve? Let’s dig into the upside and downside of some common themes.

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Jennie Glazer Jennie Glazer

Starting the year inspired by Michelle Obama

I adored Michelle Obama’s autobiography Becoming. And there’s tons I want to reflect on. But what I’m contemplating today is in her very first chapter—the beginning story of her childhood. And the wonderful, complex relationship she had with her Great Aunt Robbie. Hopefully you have a person from your childhood who challenged you and pushed you. Or maybe a mentor in your career who believed in you even when you are full of self doubt. It makes me think of my own role as a parent, friend and mentor.

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